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Senior Citizen Mindful Self-Defense In-Person

A practical course educating you with mindful information and proven techniques to get you out of the most common situations.  As we age, we are not always on our physical game; some with constant restricted movement, so to rely solely on our physical output is not safe or reliable.  By accessing your critical thinking and understanding safe zones, you will achieve personal security and safety.  Learning and applying footwork like a game of chess, you can secure your environment by never falling victim.  In a sense, dancing your way free from personal checkmate.  Continue to explore life in confidence; because, if we're still breathing, then the best is yet to come. If you pay in advance the class is $5 a week or $7 to drop in, and your first class is FREE! You can pay the instructor at the class!

Monday, March 31, 2025 Show more dates
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
MacKenzie Room Whole
  Health & Wellness  

Registration is required. There are 15 seats available.

Event Organizer

Debra Krug

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